Background and experience
In a nut shell?
More than 35 years of varied experience as a dietitian and nutritionist in both the public and private sectors
University qualifications in Science, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Communication (Public Relations)
This is a very brief CV just to give you some insight into my experience
- Accredited Dietitian from program inception to 2022, I retired Accredited membership when I stopped consulting with individual clients.
- Company director of Wesley Nutrition Centre (former) and now continuing online business foodtalk
- experiences include (past and present):
- individual personalised dietetic practice (list closed and no longer taking individual private clients)
- industry communications and advice (food industry, health industry, restaurants, boarding schools, aged care, childcare, pharmaceutical sector, IT and app development)
- research officer and lead dietitian for international weight loss intervention trial (former)
- invited presenter for surgeons, doctors, dietitians, teachers, the greater public
- employer of support staff and dietitians
- author and publisher of nutrition resources
- consultant dietitian at Wesley Hospital (former)
- Foundation medical dietetic experience gained across 10 years at major teaching hospitals in Australia: Princess Alexandra, Royal Canberra, Mater Adults and Children, Wesley, Repatriation General, Mt Olivett
- Academic teaching and research in nutrition at Queensland University of Technology