After two weeks, you will feel fresh and great with these do-able tips. A detox without the detox?
All done without colonic irrigation, herbal potions or punishing exercise programs!
Detox. A word usually associated with drug and alcohol programs but in recent times, many people turn to detox diet programs to cleanse the body and liver after punishing food feasts and days of alcohol overload.
Some people use food and drinks like others use drugs and alcohol; food and drink can act as pacifier-relaxants or stimulants.
If you've been abusing food and so abusing your own body, get back to basics to help invigorate and refresh your sluggish mistreated body. You can't truly cleanse the liver or purify the body but you can add vitality and freshness that feels like purification.
Before you spend more money on the latest detox or diet program, do these straight-forward zero cost free tips.
Take the challenge. Do these tips for at least two weeks and see how you feel.
Drink more water
Ditch the caffeine
Dump the alcohol and diet drinks
Enjoy at least 2 pieces of fresh fruit plus 2.5 cups of vegetables or 5 cups salad everyday.
Eat at home more and avoid foods prepared away from your home because you don't know what's in them.
Turf out processed foods and other 'stuff' you think is junk.
Tame the obsession with scales as well; you'll be happier long term. Put the scales out of reach and out of sight.
Open your lungs and be active for an extra 20 minutes each day.
Open you ears and eyes to nature's relaxing sounds and images.
eXcite your tastebuds with a new herb, fruit, vegetable or different grain.
eXtend your time in the kitchen and with relaxed dining rather than the supermarket.
eXperiment with new fresh flavours and foods and extend the variety of real foods, not processed foods, in your day.
All 'detox' programs are a social challenge and require more time and commitment in the kitchen.
The side effects from most 'detox' dietary programs include headache, abdominal wind, weight loss, and possible problems with gout and the gall bladder.
Warning: This two-week approach suits anyone who is basically healthy but you are cautioned to seek advice from your own doctor and dietitian before starting any dietary program or major lifestyle changes including this one.
More radical 'detox' programs are not recommended, especially during pregnancy, or if you have a medical condition, a weakened immune system, or are very young or elderly.