A good sleep is emerging as an important factor that reduces your risk of regaining lost weight.
Both the quality of sleep and the length of sleep matter. How can you improve your sleep?
I have read what the sleep science research suggests and here is my summary of what to do to get a good night's sleep.
The most benefit will come from building all of these 10 simple solutions into your life.
There is little point in trying one or two solutions and dismissing them because they didn't work when other factors may be at play.
You may have tried one or two of these before but now it is time to try all of them together.
Sleep is not going to improve overnight straight away so give it a few weeks and it will improve overnight.
Put a high value on sleep.
You may find a better sleep is something that helps you keep your body in better shape.
Kids of all ages need so much more sleep than adults. To find out how many hours of sleep kids need, look here.
Sleep-deprived kids are often grumpy, irritable kids who do not concentrate well and misbehave during the day.
Sleep-deprived kids are not necessarily sleepy during the day.
Aim to get the young children to bed at the same time early each night. A routine time is important for them and for you. Unfortunately teenagers have a slight shift in the body clock which sees them function better with a later bedtime and later wake-up call than school hours permit. You may need to rethink and tighten the morning breakfast routine to maximise their sleep time.
Let the toddlers, tweens and teens sleep in during the holidays and weekends. Treasure the quiet time you gain.