Stay on track to be fitter, healthier and more resilient. Good food and nutrition do make a big difference to how you feel and function.

Feel like you ate and drank too much yesterday? You are definitely not alone. Been partying a little more of late? Are you a stress or comfort eater? You are not the only one!

Don't dwell on what has been: the excesses of previous meals and drinks, any lack of activity. What you ate and drank in the past has been and you can't change what has happened but you can influence today's decisions. Instead look at today. Each day as it comes. Each day is a fresh day. Right now, today, is the time to shift the pace of eating back to get you on track to be fitter, healthier and more resilient to feel fantastic for the rest of the year and beyond.

Don't wait for tomorrow or the deadline for a special event.

I want to help you create lasting change with practical food and nutrition tips through my books and this website. Order your book early to be confident that you will have the best guide in your hand. There's no point waiting until tomorrow or next year. When the stock of books runs out, I will not be republishing them. Do not miss out.

these tips will get your started ...

plant based sausages review

Are plant-based sausages safe and good for you?

When would a 750-ml bottle of wine equal 1 glass of wine, energy-wise that is?

More than 60 zero alcohol, alcohol-free wines compared to make tomorrow a bright, fresh and hang-over free day.

Sweet swaps that won't weigh you down
Swap from this to that. Same calories (kJ) but a big difference in serve size.
To discover more, click on the image.
Intense sweeteners versus sugar

Here is what I worked out ...

Weekend getaways or farther afield

Top tips for your driving getaway

want to get back into shape and stay that way?

Fed up with constant on again, off again dieting?

Not sure how much to eat and drink?

Want to know how to have a more flexible, guilt-free eating style and still stay in shape?

Want to know the truth about serve sizes and portion control?

Annoyed and frustrated at the conflicting advice from so-called experts?

You can turn all that around. Now you can ditch the rigid diet approaches that ban entire food groups or types.

No matter what your current size and weight is, I want to help you get into happier healthier shape and stay that way. No fads, no gimmicks.

I am a qualified, award-winning nutritionist and dietitian (retired in 2023) with more than 40-years real-world experience helping 1000s of people.

Whether you want to lose weight or prevent weight regain, you will find information and books here to help you ...

  • check your food portions,
  • get back into better condition,
  • lose weight,
  • keep in shape, and
  • feel healthier on the inside and happier outside.

You have the choice to have some of this and some of that. No foods are banned. The choice is in your hands.

these are the books to help you ...

Now Only

SECONDS. This is the last of my stock. The 'seconds' have obvious marked covers. The price includes postage within Australia: essentially a give-away price that covers packaging and postage costs! I'd rather you benefit from the book than it be wasted in a recycling bin. See how much to serve with life-size photos. A quick and easy way to see what and how much to serve for the best results and health.

Now Only

I am running my stock out as part of winding up my dietetic business. The price is super low and includes postage within Australia. Grab yourself a bargain. The covers of some copies are slightly marked but if you order early, you are more likely to get a perfect copy. Worried about your child's nutrition? Actual real life-sized photos show you how much your child needs to grow a healthy body. "Every parent needs a copy of this book".

Say thank you to Trudy for sharing advice and information here at the website, via the newsletter or email chats.

Make your own good health a high priority

More than ever, it is time to look after yourself. Eat to care for your body and brain. Stay active physically and mentally. Sleep soundly. Keep up good lifestyle routines during holidays and weekends.

You have an opportunity to shape your own day to build in eating zones that suit your hunger, to work when your mind is most productive, to sleep and wake up naturally with your body clock, and to break up your day with play and physical activity. Stress eating, comfort eating and drinking to relieve pressures are all real. For some starting tips to break the stress-comfort-food-relief cycles check this out.

And hopefully you have enough time to prepare meals at home from basic essential ingredients, which will leave you feeling healthy. Home cooking from basic ingredients is a win-win situation: you will spend less money on food when you cook at home plus people who prepare and eat home-cooked meals are healthier. To save time and boost nutrition, check out these 8 easy tips.

It feels like a thing of the past, but the covid corona virus delivered additional punishing pressures and stresses. It also helped many people identify factors that trigger their eating - whether to eat specific foods, avoid other foods, over-eat or over-drink. The need for great health never goes away. And unfortunately, corona and flu viruses have not gone away either and you need to stay super aware, maintain social distancing, and be incredibly hygienic with hand washing in line with health authorities guidelines. Although masks are not compulsory, sometimes you may need one. Wear a well fitted mask if you are unwell or do not feel confident about the healthiness of others around you or are with people who are more vulnerable to catching the virus.

Masks are like vitamin supplements in a small way. At some time you may need to take a vitamin-mineral supplement but a supplement does not replace healthy eating and does not make up for poor lifestyle habits. Nor does a mask replace good hygiene, social distancing, isolation, quarantine and other health protecting requirements.

Having good overall health is very very important for all aspects of life. Choose wisely for the best of health.











it is perfectly okay not to eat perfectly

It is perfectly okay to eat more one day and less the next. It is actually very normal.

It is perfectly okay to balance your food choices over a week and not lock into or worry about daily targets.

It is perfectly okay to save up red-extras (you might call them forbidden foods but I don’t) for a feast.

Extreme food restriction and dieting will trip you up, each and every time ...

perfection demands obsession

Trudy Williams, the gal behind foodtalk
foodtalk [est 1993]

Fad-free since 1993. Written by me, Trudy Williams, [retired 2023] dietitian and nutritionist.

Proudly independent and advert-free.